969 research outputs found

    Low defect, high purity crystalline layers grown by selective deposition

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    The purity and perfection of a semiconductor is improved by depositing a patterned mask of a material impervious to impurities of the semiconductor on a surface of a blank. When a layer of semiconductor is grown on the mask, the semiconductor will first grow from the surface portions exposed by the openings in the mask and will bridge the connecting portions of the mask to form a continuous layer having improved purity, since only the portions overlying the openings are exposed to defects and impurities

    Method for growing low defect, high purity crystalline layers utilizing lateral overgrowth of a patterned mask

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    A method for growing a high purity, low defect layer of semiconductor is described. This method involves depositing a patterned mask of a material impervious to impurities of the semiconductor on a surface of a blank. When a layer of semiconductor is grown on the mask, the semiconductor will first grow from the surface portions exposed by the openings in the mask and will bridge the connecting portions of the mask to form a continuous layer having improved purity, since only the portions overlying the openings are exposed to defects and impurities. The process can be iterated and the mask translated to further improve the quality of grown layers

    Efek Udara Di Dalam Sistem Refrigerasi

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    The performance of refrigeration system are affected by condenser, evaporator ,compressor and regulating valve. Besides cooling system itself air in the system are also considered to the performance. The aim of this research to investigate the effect of air in the refrigeration system that cause the performance of system. The result of this research indicates that coefficient of performance (COP)decrease falls to 37 % (from 8.4 to 5.28) due to the air in refrigerations system, on the contrary there is increasing about 40 % (from 25 kJ/kg to 35 kJ/kg)of energy in gernerating compresso

    Promosi dan Kualitas Layanan Pengaruhnya terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Menggunakan Jasa Pembiayaan pada PT. Bess Finance Manado

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    Pertumbuhan Perusahaan pembiayaan Finance di kota Manado yang meningkatmenjadi perhatian penting bagi pihak manajemen Perusahaan. Manajemen Perusahaan dituntut tidak hanya berusaha mendapatkan konsumen baru, tetapi juga berusaha keras untuk mempertahankan pelanggan yang telah mereka dapatkan.Untuk dapat mengenalkan produk yang ingin ditawarkan kepada konsumen dengan segala keunggulannya, Perusahaan pembiayaan perlu menerapkan strategi yang baik. Diantaranya dengan melakukan promosi. Selain kegiatan promosi yang dilakukan Perusahaan pembiayaan untuk memasarkan produk, kualitas layanan juga berperan penting dalam keputusan pembelian konsumen untuk menggunakan jasa pembiayaan yang ditawarkan Perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh baik secara simultan dan parsial dari promosi dan kualitas layanan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen menggunakan jasa pembiayaan pada PT. Bess Finance Manado. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa promosi dan kualitas layanan secara simultan dan parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Promosi Perusahaan sebaiknya ditingkatkan melalui iklan atau promosi langsung dan meningkatkan edukasi pelanggan

    Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Di SMP Negeri Model Terpadu Madani Palu

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    This research aims at identifying the differences in the learning achievement between students who were taught by using the ASSURE learning model to those whom were taught by using conventional learning model; interaction between learning model and learning motivation; the difference between learning achievement of high and low motivated students. The sample of this research is Chairil Anwar VIII grade consisted of 28 students as the control class. The design of this research is quasi experiment 2 x 2. The treatment variable is learning model and the attribute variable is learning motivation, while the dependent variable is the learning achievement of Social Sciences subject. The hypothesis was tested through ANAVA two ways with different cells to significant level of 5%. The result of the differences between ASSURE model learning achievement and conventional proven by the score of statistic test where Fcounted = 7.084 and Ftable = 5.79 or Ho is rejected. It means that there is difference between learning achievement of ASSURE class to the conventional class. The score of statistic test where Fcounted = 25.27 and Ftable = 5.79 or Ho is rejected. It means that there is difference between group of high motivated students and group of low motivated students. The score of statistic test between motivation and learning model where Fcounted = 0.010 and Ftable = 5.79 or Ho is accepted. It means that there is no interaction and affect to the learning achievement between learning model to learning motivation

    Pemahaman Masyarakat Tentang Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak di Kupang

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    Kekerasan seksual terhadap anak terlihat semakin marak kasusnya, karenanya diperlukan informasi sampai sejauh mana pemahaman masyarakat tentang kekerasan seksual dimaksud, khususnya yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang terdekat (incest), yang dampaknya membawa trauma serius dan berkepanjangan bagi korban anak yang mengalami kekerasan seksual ini. Pemahaman ini diperoleh dari enam puluh informan yang merupakan warga terdekat domisilinya dengan anak korban kekerasan seksual, termasuk dekat dengan lembaga sosial yang menangani kasus kekerasan dimaksud. Penggalian informasi terhadap pemahaman dimaksud, adalah informan yang berdomisili di kota Kupang sejumlah enam puluh orang yang ditetapkan secara purposif, dengan tujuan diperolehnya informasi dan data tentang pengetahuannya terhadap kekerasan seksual terhadap anak, termasuk kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT). Hasil penelitian diketahui, cukup besar jumlahnya dari informan yang tidak mengetahui secara detail tentang masalah kekerasan seksual terhadap anak, apakah itu korbannya, pelakunya, dan instansi dan atau lembaga sosial yang menangani masalah ini. Untuk itu diusulkan dalam rekomendasi untuk dilakukan sosialisasi berkesinambungan terhadap masyarakat mengenai kekerasan seksual terhadap anak, dampak, implikasinya terhadap korban dan lembaga atau instansi pemerintah yang menangani kasus dimaksud. Kata Kunci : Pemahaman- kekerasan seksual anak-Kota Kupang Abstrack Children sexual abusement and harassment increasingly widespread, because of that we are need more information about how far people know about this case, especially abusement who is doing by relative or incest, which the effects get serious traumatical ang still continuously for the victim. This concept we are get from sixty informants. They are all neighborhoods who are live nearby with the victim, and also near with social institution that is take care of this case. This information, that social institution got from sixty informants, they are from Kupang City, which is got by purposive. With this information and data about the case the result tell us that these sixty informants aren\u27t know about children sexual abusement or harassment case, or who is the sucpect, or victim or social institution which is take care of this case. Therefore, social institution needs to socialize about children sexual abusement and harassment, about the impacts, or social institution which is take care this case